Sclerotherapy 5 day Course
The five day course is perfect for those starting sclerotherapy and wish to obtain true in-depth study of all "the necessary details" of the Sclerotherapy process, in order to avoid the most common mistakes such as leg staining, ulcerations of the leg, superficial trombophlebiites, etc, principally produced by incorrect injection techniques or incorrect dosage, as a medical professional you know the importance that the details make in the quality of any therapy. If you wish to start to implement a new procedure, you must be sure that you will have the appropriate training, that will avoid any mistakes.
With Us you have the assurance that the Sclerotherapy training is based on the practical experience of having treated "thousand of patients" it gathers the experience of many Doctors and Nurses and the course is based one Crown Medical's Sclerotherapy Manuals.
All instructors actively perform sclerotherapy and work in an institution exclusively dedicated to Sclerotherapy for more than 26 years.
The objective of the seminar is to go through the complete sclerotherapy cycle and provide you with the comprehensive training you need to implement Sclerotherapy successful. This is the required course for Certification.
Si, los manuales están disponibles en el idioma español, así como también los seminarios de escleroterapia son dados en español, tanto en Latino América como en los Estados Unidos estos seminarios en español, son impartidos solamente una vez al año , y son conducidos en la ciudad de Orlando, en el Estado de la Florida, con Certificación de los Estados Unidos, lo cual requiere reservación de al menos tres meses de anticipación. Para mas detalles simplemente comuniques con nosotros a vuelta del correo electrónico, o llámenos al teléfono de referencia , y le brindaremos la información pertinente
Puede escoger entre seminario impartidos en los EU, o en Latino América, ambos con las Certificacion Correpondiente de los EU , Reservación Requerida con tres meses de antelación mínimo
The 11 Steps to the First Medical Visit
Procedure for Filling Out Venous Map
Types of Diagnostic Test.
The 6 Steps to the Second Visit
How to Calculate Estimates
How to Prepare Treatment Plan
The 22 Sclerotherapy Techniques
Treatment of
Secondary Effects
How to Control
Treatment Plan
The 11 Steps, Physical Examination, Functional Tests, 3DVenous Map, Venous Classification, Differential Diagnosis, Therapy Options,
Objective & Benefits, Venous Map, Procedure, CEAP, Varicose Vein Scale and Categories
Type of Vascular Tests, Arterial Doppler, Arterial Imaging, Techniques Used in Examination, Deep Vein System, Superficial Vein System
- The Second Medical Visit:
Evaluating Test Results, Indications & Contraindication, Results Derived from the Second Visit, Educating Patient, Informed Constent
- How to Make Sclerotherapy Estimates:
Importance, Problems, Methodology for Calculating Estimates, Patient Index, Therapist Index, Estimate of Required Therapies
Elements to be Considered, The 8 Steps for Developing the Treatment Plan , Goals to be Reached, Pre-Sclerotherapy Recommendations
- Sclerotherapy Techniques and Procedures:
Physiopathology of Sclerotherapy/Endothelium, Classification and Use of Sclerosants, Concentration of Medication, The Dichotomous Technique, Methods, The 13 Steps of Sclerotherapy, The 22 Injection techniques, The Second Sclerotherapy, How to Control the Sclerotherapy
- Treating Sclerotherapy Complications
List of Complications, Treatment for Each, Serious Systemic Reactions, 8 Factors that Increase Risk of DVT/TPE
- Sclerotherapy Progress Control
Objectives, Type and Frequency of the Treatment Control, Therapist Report, Physician Report
- Medical References for Varicose Disease
Anatomy, Physiology, Deep Vein System, Superficial Vein System, Perforators, Anatomical References, The Endotelium and its Functions, Pathophysiology, Manifestations, Conditions, Complications, Photographic Reference:Before & After / Side effects
Seminars are offered in a variety of formats with the objective to offer scheduled access to everyone. The formats in which the seminars are available are On-location, Online-Live, or Online-On-demand
On-Location seminars are offered periodically both nationally and internationally at a Hotel or University near you. Private on-site training courses are available for groups of 10 or more. If you wish to have your staff/personnel trained at your facility or for more information please email your request to
Online-Live seminars are designed to enable online-live access into the on-location seminar being held at the time of access.
Online-On-demand seminars are designed for students who need the accessibility of the seminar individualized to their own schedule.
5 Day Sclerotherapy Seminar manual included..............................................................$3,700
For less than the income produced by the 1st patient
Open Courses and Seminars Dates
For further assistance here is our Business Card
Call us at (786) 587 - 3202
Americans with Disability Act
All of our courses/seminars/testing examinations intend to fully comply with the ADA. If you need any special assistance please fill check the box found in the course registration form and indicate best method for an event staff coordinator to contact you. To ensure proper accommodations are made Requests should be in 3 weeks prior to activity.
Seminars are accredited by different agencies or associations depending on the course and location, usually as Credits AMA PRA Category 1 Credits per hour class. Verification of CME. CEU, or other may vary and are subject to change
There are three methods available to complete the registration process. Space cannot be held until registration is complete and payment is received.
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Miami, Fl. 33155
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Call a Customer Representative 786-587-3202
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